Erkin Sagiev


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I am a Lecturer in Economics at the SSEES of the University College London. Before moving to academia, I was a practicing tax accountant, tax consultant, and tax policy advisor to public bodies, non-government organisations, and the World Bank. The combination of practical and academic expertise that I gathered over my career gave me a realistic understanding of business and economy.


Game theory with particular interest in algorithmic game theory and communication games on networks.

Working papers:

Farsighted cheap talk in networks

Information exchange in profit shifting
(Abstract, available on SSRN)

Bayesian persuasion mediating cheap talk
(Abstract, available on SSRN)

I am presenting these papers at the following conferences. It would be my pleasure to see you there and discuss my findings.


I was awarded the recognition of Fellow (FHEA) of the Higher Education Academy and have experience in teaching economics, finance, mathematics, and statistics at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.


Postal address

16 Taviton Street
London, WC1H 0BW